Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy can result in arm symptoms with pain, numbness, or weakness or hand symptoms with pain, numbness or weakness; in addition to any combination of those described.  If you have compression of a nerve in the cervical spine, you can develop resulting arm pain from the base of your neck into your arm and hand.  The pain will radiate down the arm and sometimes to the hand depending on which levels are affected.  Arm Weakness with or without numbness can also be a symptom.  If you have a compressed nerve, it can cause arm weakness all the way to the hand. If a specific nerve is affected, it can result in weakness of the associated distribution of that nerve. Arm muscles involved can include the Deltoid, Biceps, Triceps, Forearm or Hand.  Symptoms from the deltoid or shoulder occur when C5 is compressed; the biceps involves the C5 or C6 nerve roots; the triceps involves the C7 nerve root and the hand involves the C7, C8 or T1 nerve roots.  Hand Numbness alone can occur with compression of the lower Cervical Nerves (C6, C7, C8 & T1 nerve roots) in some or most of the hand.  Compression of the nerves can be the result of Cervical Myelopathy, Cervical Disc Herniation, Cervical Radiculopathy or Foraminal Stenosis. Hand Weakness can also occur with compression of the lower Cervical Nerves (C6, C7, C8 & T1 nerve roots) can result in numbness of some or most of the hand.  If there is bilateral hand numbness, it is most likely because of Cervical Myelopathy.  Instead of a cervical disc herniation, arthritis can develop around each of the described nerves causing foraminal compression with resulting symptoms.  If the central part of the spinal cord is compressed, most patients will have weakness of the hands and sometimes difficulty with walking. Usually, they will not have pain.

The Cervical Center is dedicated to the treatment and outcomes of patients who suffer from problems related to the cervical spine including any condition related to bone, nerve, or soft tissue.  Our program is focused on high quality clinical outcomes and the most effective treatments for all conditions related to the cervical spine.

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